Sunday, November 2, 2008

Texas Halloween Rookies

You know those things you do to be a good parent? Like, driving past the Fall Festival less than a mile a way because a neighbor tells you there's one ten miles away that has pony rides? So, you make the drive, patting yourself on the back the whole way. You get there, eat a hotdog, choose a pumpkin, and then, the best part of all... the pony ride.

Harrison wouldn't even get on the thing, and Asher, well you can see what he thought about it. To add insult to injury, he went on a preschool field trip a few days later, and you guessed it, there were more pony rides. This picture's actually from that.

A friend was driving Sean home from a meeting last week, and he saw our Jack-o-Lanterns on the front porch. "So, you already carved pumpkins, eh?" He said. Sean laughed and told him they'd already rotted though they'd just been out a few days. "Rookies." he chided. Guess Halloween in Texas is a little different than what we're used to. Well, the Texas Halloween Rookies did take #2 and carved a second set of pumpkins the day before Halloween. We're happy to report those two pumpkins smiled and "booed" for almost a week.


heidi said...

We are so excited to see you here!! Fun for us to see pictures and hear stories that sound similar to are these guys going to be buddies! One of my favorites was the superman flying off the stairs. WE NEED THOSE MATS!!! What a great idea. Oh and Katherine your frugal ways are right up my alley--good on ya for the curtains/nook decorating ideas--looks awesome. Sorry such a novel here, but I'm really pumped to see this! :)

Chazlyn Robbins said...

We found your blog! It is great to catch up a little on your great family. You guys look awesome and really happy. I think I will try a superman dive off of our stairs too. Or maybe a sleeping bag ride down the stairs. Love you guys. Tim and Chazlyn

James and Summer said...

hey! we finally found you! woo-hoo! love you and miss you tons! check us out at