Thursday, February 26, 2009

the funny things they say...

February in Texas is more like mid spring is everywhere else, except we still get our share of Winter's colds and flus. We've had it pretty easy on the sickness front since coming to Texas' warm climate, but of course occasionally someone gets a cold, and obligingly passes it along to the rest of the family. So, from the germ factory that a public elementary school is, Harrison brought home a cold recently, and Asher's had it this last week or so.

He woke mom in the middle of the night a few days back, saying, "I'm stuck, Mommy. I'm stuck." I said, "What do you mean, Asher? To which he continued to lament in his half awake stage that he was "stuck." Finally, I woke up enough to realize he meant he needed some help blowing his nose- poor little guy. Last night he came in and woke up Sean, saying, "I'm gonna 'splode, Daddy! I'm gonna 'splode!" Which once again was a request for help with a 2:00 a.m. nose blowing.

And Harrison told me on the way home from soccer practice this week (which was a little chilly and got his nose running) that there was a "waterfall of boogies coming out of his face."

Though colds don't make our list of favorite things, some of these comments sure have. We wish all of you health as Winter closes, and if not that, a few choice phrases to laugh about!


heidi said...

so so funny!!! we have full noses over here too.
when is baby coming? i think your due date is soon--but when? let us know, we're thinking of you!
love you

James and Summer said...

I LOVE those boys! so good of you to record some of those precious - albeit difficult in the middle of the night - moments!

Katherine said...

I'm due today- looks like we'll get another late one. I'm scheduled to get induced on Tuesday. The dr. was willing to do it a week early because she's been thinking he's a big baby, but I asked her to wait. Hopefully I don't regret it!

Chazlyn Robbins said...

We have had an assortment of cold and flu viruses this year. Tim always complains that I bring home all kinds of bugs. I'm holding out for my superhuman immunity to kick in over the next couple of years.

Chazlyn Robbins said...

Just read your last comment about being induced. Hope things go well!

heidi said...

congrats on the baby boy!! didn't have to be induced!! wahoo! we will call you tomorrow. love you.